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Can't do this? Do that.

I admit it. Sometimes my mind drifts into all the things I can no longer do. I watch my grandchildren and they move with such ease and flexibility. They seem almost boneless. I chat with my grown kids and they're making plans for their future and they seem to have so much of it. And it reminds me of when I was their age and there were always discussions about what we'd do, where we'd go, and while time was a factor I, too, felt like we had plenty of it.

Then there are all the commercials. I hate commercials. Who doesn't? But it's a toss up for me whether the commercials focused on "young" people are better or worse than those for "seniors." Commercials aimed at the older generation are always pushing pills, ointments, rejuvenating products (please- the only folks that get rejuvenated are the ones selling these products and taking our money to the bank!).

All I can say is thank God for the DVR - I can avoid commercials most of the time.

I think I went off on a tangent so let me shift back to where my head is at right now.

I need to give myself a good shake. I think of Cher's character in Moonstruck. "Snap out of it." And every now and then that's exactly what I have to do. And frequently have to remind my friends to do the same. We can't move like kids but we need to move to the best of our ability. We can't think way off into the future so we need to see that the future is the rest of today, tomorrow, next week. We need to savor what we can do, find true value in it, give ourselves a pat on the back every now and then (after we've slapped ourselves in the face as a reminder to snap out of it).

Actions, plans, dreams, desires - whatever our age, we must focus on all of them. I sometimes forget that. I often forget to be grateful for the things I can do and get down on myself for what I can't do. It's stupid. It's a waste of time. And let's face it, wasting time is the dumbest thing of all no matter what our age. We don't have to do "big" things. We just have to "do" and stop thinking about what we missed doing in the past or can't do any longer.

So, my message of the day for all those in some kind of funk - SNAP OUT OF IT!

Okay, I feel better now. I'm going to put some stuff up on Ebay to sell and I'm going to do more ebook marketing. I can do all of that!

So once again - please download my new ebook mysteries - GRIEVOUS ERROR, FATAL SILENCE, and GUILTY PARTY from ebooks on Amazon. All you need is to download a kindle ap and you can read them on just about any device.

I'll give myself a pat on the back for my marketing efforts. Nice going!


  1. WOW! I needed just that, just's that time of year methinks when the gilding, glowing,and hopefulness of the holidays brings us down, the opposite of 'the plan.' We agree on the commercialism of the holidays. Instead of fighting the crowds, I just sat back with a drink and ordered things we both need from L.L. Bean...and that package arrived just in time for me to gift us for Chanukah. For Christmas, we will either re-wrap a thing or two (just in its box) or continue to use and enjoy the warmth of them. ahhhhhhh, EASY! I watch my nieces light up their homes like Christmas trees, with no husband falling off a ladder this year, and watch as their little ones get's so cute to see the little believers. Now, for the pleasure of taking it up a notch and getting out to see you for lunch. We can do that! And enjoy.


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