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It's deja vu...only in reverse!

I'm hearing my own words, words I've said in the past. Words I've said to my kids. When they were young. When I was fairly young myself.

Only now the words aren't coming out of my mouth. They're coming out of the mouths of my children. And they're saying these words to me. Go know how well they'd remember all the things I used to say to them. All the advice I gave them. Words of support. Of admonishment. Of warning. Of concern. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Don't just say you'll take care of something, actually take care of it. Is that really what you're going to wear?? If you spend all your time procrastinating you'll just feel bad about yourself. You have to stop obsessing; stop worrying; stop saying "but".

It's all very good advice my kids are giving me. Just like it was very good advice I gave them. And it's not like I still don't on occasion say this stuff to my kids. But now it's more a matter of a give and take.

If you think I mind it, you're dead wrong. I said these words to them with love and I feel love when they say them back to me. It's all about caring. And I have to say their words of encouragement, even admonishment, are not only well-meant but also right on the money. I'm struggling with issues that require me to step out of my comfort zone and, no big surprise here, I find that damn hard to do. Should I do it? Yes. Absolutely! Do I want to do it? Sure, on some intellectual level. But emotionally, the last thing I want to do is step out there where my comfort level is nil.

And here are my kids, prodding, cajoling, scolding, encouraging me...saying all the things, in short, I used to say to them. It's deja vu...only in reverse.

And it's having an effect. I'm slowly getting my toes wet in waters I never thought I'd have the courage to step in. I guess you could say I'm following in my children's footsteps!


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